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We support women who are not staying in one of our refuges through an Outreach service.

Women who may not want or need to come into a refuge can meet one of us informally to discuss their situation and their options,  or get advice on other available services.

Outreach staff will treat information given sensitively and can give on-going support to women who are experiencing abuse at home and do not want to come to a refuge. 

Outreach staff can be contacted on the helpline 0118 950 4003 (10am-5pm weekdays, and outside these times in emergencies). 

Outreach staff can be available at community venues in Reading, Wokingham, Bracknell,  and West Berkshire where women can get informal, confidential support and advice on their options. Please call the helpline if you want to know more.

When women move on from refuge we offer resettlement support to help them settle into their new homes and lives.

Last Updated 07/07/2010

Berkshire Women's Aid is a Registered Charity - No.  1050484

and a Limited Company registered in the UK - No. 3081670